Tauler/Pissarra |
Només els usuaris registrats poden afegir continguts. Clica Aqui per registrar-te de franc |
| Paginació: 123456789101112131415 | | Trump reconoce que la pandemia de
coronavirus 'empeorará' en EEUU e
insiste ahora en usar mascarillas | 2020-07-22 (1/296) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
"Llevo la mascarilla, la usaré con mucho
gusto", ha dicho el presidente de EEUU,
a quien los sondeos afean su gestión de
la crisis
Més info a
www.eldiario.es | | Trump canvia el to i anuncia que la
pandèmia ?anirà a pitjor? als EUA | 2020-07-22 (2/296) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
El president rectifica i crida ara la
ciutadania a posar-se la mascareta
Més info a
www.ara.cat | | Trump rectifica i manté els visats per
als universitaris estrangers | 2020-07-15 (3/296) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
El govern federal i els centres
educatius salven un milió d'estudiants
d'abandonar el país
info a www.ara.cat | | Els Washington Redskins canvien el nom i
el logo de l'equip per les seves
connotacions racistes | 2020-07-14 (4/296) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
Els Washington Redskins canviaran el nom
i el logo de l'equip per les
connotacions racistes que implica.
L'onada de protestes racials que s'estan
vivint als Estats Units provocada per la
mort de George Floyd, a finals de maig,
a mans d'un policia mentre el detenia
continua fent-se gran.
Més info a www.ccma.cat
| | Trump es posa, finalment, la mascareta | 2020-07-13 (5/296) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
El president dels EUA s'havia negat a
utilitzar-la en públic i n'havia posat
en dubte l'eficàcia
Més info a
www.ara.cat | | Trump perdona la presó al seu amic Roger
Stone, condemnat per subornar testimonis | 2020-07-12 (6/296) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
Stone havia d'entrar dimarts a la presó
per complir una sentència de 3 anys i 4
mesos per mentir i manipular testimonis
en la investigació de l'anomenada "trama
russa" en les eleccions que van portar
Trump a la Casa Blanca
Més info a
www.ccma.cat | | El Suprem obliga Trump a entregar la
declaració d'impostos a la Justícia | 2020-07-10 (7/296) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
En plena precampanya, el president dels
Estats Units diu que es tracta d'una
"persecució política" i que continuarà
"lluitant contra la corrupció"
Més info a www.ccma.cat
| | El inicio de la ruptura de EEUU con la
OMS alarma a los expertos: 'No es
exagerado decir que costará vidas' | 2020-07-09 (8/296) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
Más de 750 científicos y académicos han
pedido al Congreso que bloquee la
decisión de Donald Trump, que ya ha
notificado a Naciones Unidas su retirada
de la agencia sanitaria, que se haría
efectiva dentro de un año
Més info a
www.eldiario.es | | Trump fa xantatge al món acadèmic perquè
els alumnes tornin a les aules | 2020-07-09 (9/296) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
Els Estats Units arriben als 3 milions
de contagis per coronavirus en una
pandèmia descontrolada
Més info a
www.ara.cat | | Els Estats Units retirarà el visat als
universitaris estrangers si han
d'estudiar online | 2020-07-08 (10/296) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
Segons una nova directiva del
Departament d'Immigració, els estudiants
hauran de tornar al seu país si la seva
Universitat no ofereix classes
presencials a partir de la tardor
Més info a
www.ccma.cat | | Trump comença els tràmits per sortir de
l'OMS coincidint amb un rècord de
contagis | 2020-07-08 (11/296) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
Els Estats Units registren més de 60.000
casos en les últimes 24 hores i la mort
d'un miler de persones
Abandonar l'Organització Mundial de la
Salut és un més dels processos de
retirada d'acords i organismes
internacionals plantejats per Trump. Per
exemple la seva sortida de la UNESCO,
del Consell de Drets Humans de les
Nacions Unides, de l'Acord de París
sobre el canvi climàtic o del pacte
nuclear amb l'Iran.
Més info a
www.ccma.cat | | Estados Unidos: Donald Trump amenaza con
echar a los universitarios extranjeros
que den clases online | 2020-07-07 (12/296) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
La administración Trump sumó anoche una
preocupación más a los cientos de miles
de estudiantes internacional
matriculados en sus universidades,
pendientes de la decisión de si este
otoño habrá o no clases presenciales
Més info a
www.lavanguardia.com | | EEUU registra un nuevo récord diario con
60.383 nuevos casos de coronavirus | 2020-07-04 (13/296) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
Nueva York se mantiene todavía como el
estado más golpeado por la pandemia en
Estados Unidos con 395.872 casos
confirmados y 32.081 fallecidos, una
cifra solo por debajo de Brasil, el
Reino Unido e Italia.
Més info a
www.publico.es | | EE.UU. registra 52.000 contagios en un
día mientras Trump niega la Covid-19 | 2020-07-03 (14/296) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
El presidente de Estados Unidos asegura
que el virus va de capa caída y que él
lo ha hecho mejor que China o Europa
Los presidentes Donald Trump y su
predecesor, Barack Obama, disfrutan de
algo en común, a pesar de que parezca un
Desde puntos de vista radicalmente
opuestos, y no solo por el color de la
piel, los dos confluyen a la hora de
apelar al llamado “excepcionalismo
La teoría de que Estados Unidos es un
país singular, sin parangón, forma parte
de una idiosincrasia patriótica única y
de su particular amor propio
Este concepto, en vísperas de la gran
fiesta del día de la Independencia (4 de
julio), se halla en uno de los periodos
más críticos que se recuerda y eso que
ha habido otros pasajes de dudas sobre
su preeminencia global.
El 83% de los estadounidenses no se
siente orgulloso de su país, según una
reciente encuesta del Pew Research
Center. Es uno de los indicadores más
malos que se recuerdan en esta
La manera en que el Gobierno Trump ha
afrontado la Covid-19 ha provocado una
insatisfacción mayoritaria, como también
recalcan los sondeos. Excepcionales sí,
sin duda, pero en la franja negativa,
como uno de los peores países en la
gestión del coronavirus.
Més info a
www.lavanguardia.com | | Trump sosté que el coronavirus
"simplement desapareixerà" i rebutja cap
estratègia per aturar el repunt de casos | 2020-07-02 (15/296) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
Defensa que la Casa Blanca ho està fent
"molt bé" mentre augmenten els infectats
al sud i a l'oest del país
vacuna-desapareix_0_2482551789.html <
BR>Més info a
www.ara.cat | | El epidemiólogo de la Casa Blanca no
descarta 100.000 contagios al día en
EEUU si no se toman medidas | 2020-07-01 (16/296) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
Anthony Fauci se ha mostrado
"cautelosamente optimista" de que haya
una vacuna disponible para principios de
2021, pero ha advertido de que tampoco
hay garantías de que la vacuna pueda
Més info a
www.publico.es | | Primer pas perquè Washington es
converteixi en l'estat 51 dels Estats
Units | 2020-06-28 (17/296) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
Trump i els republicans tenen prou
majoria, però, per aturar el
reconeixement de la capital
licans-trump_0_2479552199.html | | La UE estudia mantenir les fronteres
tancades amb els EUA, Rússia i Brasil a
partir de l'1 de juliol | 2020-06-25 (18/296) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
Els estats negocien la llista de tercers
països als que es podrà viatjar, que
serien una quarantena
_0_2477752298.html | | EEUU supera los 121.100 muertos y 2,34
millones de contagios de COVID-19 | 2020-06-24 (19/296) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
Estados Unidos alcanzó este martes la
cifra de 2.342.739 casos confirmados de
COVID-19 y la de 121.176 fallecidos, de
acuerdo con el recuento independiente de
la Universidad Johns Hopkins. Este
balance a las 20.00 hora local (00.00
GMT del miércoles) es de 32.405
contagios más que el lunes y de 842
nuevas muertes.
La media de nuevos casos diarios en
EE.UU. ha vuelto a situarse por encima
de los 30.000 por el actual repunte en
estados como California, Florida, Texas
y Arizona, que suman entre los cuatro
cerca de la mitad de contagios de todo
el país. Nueva York, sin embargo, se
mantiene como el estado más golpeado en
Estados Unidos por la pandemia con
389.085 casos confirmados y 31.232
fallecidos, una cifra solo por debajo de
Brasil, el Reino Unido e Italia. Tan
solo en la ciudad de Nueva York han
muerto 22.343 personas.
A Nueva York le siguen la vecina Nueva
Jersey con 13.025 muertos, Massachusetts
con 7.889 e Illinois con 6.707 muertos.
Otros estados con un gran número de
fallecidos son Pensilvania con 6.464,
Michigan con 6.109, California con 5.578
o Connecticut, con 4.277. En cuanto a
contagios, California es el segundo
estado solo por detrás de Nueva York con
187.351. | | Trump’s new restrictions on foreign
workers, explained | 2020-06-24 (20/296) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix
The White House on Monday blocked the
entry of several categories of foreign
workers in a new presidential
proclamation that will extend through
the end of 2020. The measures also
expand President Trump’s April 22
executive order denying green cards to
applicants in several immigrant visa
Trump administration officials also
piled on new regulatory changes for
asylum seekers and proposed changes to
the H-1B visa category used by U.S.
companies — particularly in the
technology sector — to bring in highly
skilled workers.
The administration defended its moves as
an effort to help U.S. workers facing
the worst unemployment crisis since the
1930s. But the moves also use executive
powers to impose the kind of immigration
restrictions that Trump adviser Stephen
Miller and other hard-liners have been
promoting for years.
Trump, citing pandemic, orders limits on
foreign workers, extends immigration
restrictions through December
Q: Which visa categories are barred by
Trump’s new decree?
A: The new proclamation, which took
effect immediately on Monday, denies
entry to the United States to four major
“nonimmigrant” visa categories: H-1B, L,
J and H-2B, with the exception of
workers in the “food supply chain.”
Q: What about temporary workers who are
already in the United States? Do they
have to leave?
A: No. The restrictions apply only to
workers attempting to enter the United
States using one of those visas.
Q: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and
several trade industry groups were
sharply critical of the restrictions and
say the measures will hurt economic
recovery. Why? What types of jobs do
those temporary workers fill in the
United States?
A: Some of the loudest objections have
come from the technology sector, which
has long relied on the H-1B visa
category for highly skilled workers such
as software engineers and programmers.
The United States issued about 188,000
H-1B visas last year, according to State
Department data, and companies say those
workers are crucial to their
The L visas, also now suspended, are
used mostly for intracompany transfers,
providing flexibility to large global
companies that want to move executives
within their companies. This allows a
company like Boeing, for example, to
bring a European or Asian executive for
a job at one of the firm’s U.S. offices.
Last year the State Department issued
almost 77,000 L1 visas, along with a
similar number for their immediate
family members.
Companies use H-2B visas to fill
seasonal and short-term positions, but
the companies have to first demonstrate
that they attempted to hire U.S. workers
and were unable to. This category was
increasing under Trump when the
unemployment rate was low before the
pandemic, and last year the government
awarded nearly 98,000 of these visas.
Trump’s new proclamation will make an
exception for H-2B workers in the food
service industry, where such workers
sometimes fill positions as crab-pickers
and cannery workers. The H-2A visa
category for agricultural labor is not
subject to Trump’s restrictions.
Finally, the restrictions on J visas for
“cultural exchange” workers will freeze
out those coming as interns, trainees,
teachers, camp counselors and
participants in summer work travel
Q: What about “au pairs”?
A: A senior administration official who
briefed reporters Monday initially said
the child-care providers who travel to
the United States as “au pairs” — about
20,000 per year — would be “excluded.”
When the text of the proclamation was
released two hours later, it showed that
au pairs will have no exemption and will
also be denied entry.
Two senior administration officials said
applicants who can demonstrate that the
entry of their child-care provider is in
the U.S. “national interest” can receive
an exemption.
Q: What about the immigrant visa
categories Trump suspended in April?
A: The president’s April 22 executive
order — which he promoted as an
“immigration ban” — has sharply reduced
green card eligibility. U.S. citizens
seeking to bring in their spouses or
minor children can still do so, but most
other categories for family
reunification or employment-based green
cards are suspended. The White House has
extended those restrictions through the
end of 2020 with Trump’s new
Q: What is the immediate impact of these
measures? I thought global travel was
mostly shut down anyway because of the
A: The pandemic has crippled global
travel and sharply reduced visa
processing at U.S. consulates abroad, so
gauging the real impact of the
restrictions is difficult. In February,
the State Department issued about
640,000 nonimmigrant visas to temporary
workers, tourists and other visitors.
Last month, the number fell to 40,000 —
a 94 percent decline.
Q: What other changes is the Trump
administration making?
A: Trump administration officials laid
out several other long-term changes
they’re planning to make to the work
visa programs like H-1B. The
administration wants to replace the
current visa system, which awards visas
to companies that apply through a
lottery, with a new model based on
Under that system, H-1B visas, which
have an annual cap, will be given to the
companies willing to pay the highest
salaries for those positions. Trump
officials said this will encourage firms
to fill lower-level jobs with U.S.
workers, while ensuring that foreign
employees are brought in to occupy
highly specialized roles.
Trump administration officials have not
indicated whether they plan to pursue
the changes via regulation or some other
executive action, so it’s unclear if and
when the measures could take effect.
Q: What about the new work restrictions
for asylum seekers?
A: Amid the flurry of other changes, the
administration Monday also made it much
more difficult for immigrants with
pending asylum claims to obtain work
authorization. They will now have to
wait a full year to gain eligibility.
In the past, immigrants seeking asylum
in the United States typically were
granted work authorization quickly so
that they could support themselves
financially while waiting for U.S.
immigration courts to process their
Trump administration officials have
argued that work authorization has
become a magnet for economic migrants
who file false or meritless asylum
claims, knowing it will probably take
years for courts to rule on their cases
because of a lengthy backlog.
The administration has not said how it
expects asylum seekers to survive in the
United States without the ability to
work legally, and it has ushered in
penalties to deny asylum protections to
applicants who arrive without legal
Q: Will this order affect President
Trump’s own businesses?
A: It appears so. Two of Trump’s
properties — the Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm
Beach, Fla. and a golf club in Jupiter,
Fla. — use guest-worker visas to hire
cooks, housekeepers and waiters. Last
year, Mar-a-Lago asked to hire 80
foreign workers for the winter busy
season. But a senior administration
official said Tuesday that hospitality
businesses like these will be subject to
the new restrictions.
Trump’s order does still allow
businesses to apply for an exemption,
for workers whose entry would be “in the
national interest.” Trump’s company
could apply for that exemption if it
wanted. The company did not respond to
questions on Tuesday.
David Fahrenthold contributed to this
Nick Miroff
Nick Miroff covers immigration
enforcement and the Department of
Homeland Security for The Washington
Post. He was a Post foreign
correspondent in Latin America from 2010
to 2017, and has been a staff writer
since 2006.Follow | | Paginació: 123456789101112131415 | |
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